Summer Day at the Farm. (Click image to make larger). |
Hello Readers!!!
Happy Summer Solstice!! We hope that you all enjoyed the
first day of summer and longest day of the year! With the onset of summer comes
the promise of hot days, relaxing times beside the pool or beach, and fresh
local foods. Out at the farm, we are
certainly enjoying a bounty of delicious, organic food.
In this post, we’d like to take the opportunity to introduce
you to one of our partners, Green Planet Catering. Of course, the best place to start with any
story is at the very beginning. We are going to take you back about 2 years ago
to the year 2010. Lot’s happened that year;
a magnitude 7.0 earthquake devastated Haiti, Avatar was thrilling audiences across the
world, the Saints won the Super Bowl, Apple launched the iPad, and in Raleigh,
NC, a beautiful partnership was on the verge of being formed.
That year, Green Planet Catering found itself in a fantastic
position to form a new partnership. Daniel Whittaker, Catering Manager for
Green Planet Catering, contacted Nancy Creamer of the Center for Environmental
Farming Systems (CEFS) about partnering with CEFS. It all led to the two, along
with Dr. Michelle Schroeder-Moreno, Director and Supervisor of the North
Carolina State University Agroecology Education Farm (NCSU AEF), to come to an
agreement where all parties might benefit. North Carolina State University agreed to
permit this partnership because from its perspective CEFS, the NCSU AEF, and
Green Planet Catering have common objectives in sustainable agriculture
Green Planet Catering focuses on educating the
catering community which includes employees and staff, other partners, and
The NCSU Agroecology Education Farm reaches out
to both the university and the larger Raleigh community.
The Center for Environmental Farming Systems
focuses on agricultural research, extension, and education for the state of NC.
Therefore, a formal partnership has been forged between
North Carolina State University (through CEFS and the Agroecology Education
Farm) and Green Planet Catering. Working
together, Green Planet Catering and the Agroecology Education Farm, wish to
achieve their common goals of sustainable agricultural education with the NCSU
and surrounding communities. Through collaboration, the creation of a better
model for a student farm is realized.
Meanwhile, Green Planet Catering, with the help of students, grows food
sustainably for the catering company which provides the students with
invaluable experience in sustainable production farming.
Graduate Student and NCSU AEF employee Joey Owle.
(Click image to make larger). |
As for Green Planet Catering… the locally owned and
operated, awarded winning company embraces a philosophy of sustainability which
will reset your standards on what catered meals taste like and leave you
feeling good about the choice you've made. The catering company focuses on delivering
high quality catering services that feature foods that are locally grown,
pesticide and hormone free, and meet your high standards of quality. Many of their
more commonly-grown produce items are grown at the staff and management’s homes
or on the NCSU Agroecology Education Farm site. Supplying their own products
provides the availability to control the way items are planted, grown, and
harvested to ensure no harmful chemicals or pesticides are used during your
event. Also, the companies vehicles are run on biodiesel, they offer
disposable, biodegradable dishware, and ensure waste are composted or recycled.
We, at the NCSU Agroecology Education Farm, would like to
take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the Green Planet Catering
staff and management team. We truly value our partnership with your company and
look forward to a bright future together.
If you’d like to contact or find out more about Green Planet
Catering, you may via the following:
Website: http://www.greenplanetcatering.com/
Phone: 919.832.6767
Email: Info@grennplanetcatering.com
Address: 317 W. Chatham St. Cary, NC 27511
Thank you to all our supporters!
-Agroecology Education Farm Staff
Daniel Whittaker, Green Planet Catering: Catering Manager hard at work.
(Click image to make larger). |